Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer has set in. II ♥

Lesson in a separate post since Blogger's being lame and randomly cutting my posts. Sorry I know I've been lazy with these lessons :p

I got this from ielanguages, another swedish tutorial site and it's one of those swedish forms that I sometimes tend to get confused with as well so it comes in pretty handy. It has to do with locations and defining movements from one place to another. Here it is:

Many adverbs in Swedish have two distinct forms: one to denote location and one to denote movement to or from a place. Location adverbs answer the question var? where? while movement adverbs answer the question vart? where to?

                              Location                Movement
in           -             inne                           in

out         -             ute                            ut

 there      -          framme                      fram

 up         -           uppe                         upp

down     -           nere                          ner

here       -            här                           hit

there      -            där                           dit

  away     -           borta                        bort

(at) home -         hemma                       hem

Location adverbs are used with verbs of rest (vara, stå, ligga, sitta, stanna, finnas, bo, trivas) and movement adverbs are used with verbs of motion (gå, komma, fara, resa, åka, flytta, spring, köra, flyga).

For example:
Malin är här. Malin is here.
Malin kommer hit. Malin is coming here.

Mamma stannar hemma. Mother is staying home.
Mamma går hem. Mother is going home.

That is all! (:

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