Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tjugo tre.

på svenska

Så jag är tjugo tre nu! Min födelsedag fest i år var lite konstigt.. men det var bra också. Mysig fest med som några goda vänner, lunch och söta Ylva, och jättegod middag med min familjen på japansk restaurang. Jag hade en mysig lunch med Monica och Robban i går också på Hyatt poolside. Det regnade, men det var ånda mycket trevligt.

Amanda och söm några vänner kom till mitt hus på 21 juli vid klockan tre på morgonen! Hehe. De överraskade mig med söm mycket mycket vackra cupcakes. 

Svenska och fotboll, mina två favoriter.

Jag saknar Maine och Kris så mycket och önskar att de kunde fira med mig här i Singapore. Men.. det vär mycket trevligt också att tillbringa .. 'early hours' den 21 juli, pratar med dem på skype. Teknik är jåttebra! Hehe.

på engelska

So another year has come and gone, this 23rd has been ... a pretty good one with close friends and family. Good surprises, lunches, dinner, beers. Yet it was also strangely.. (input an emotive word describing the clenching of one's heart. haha. No, not heartbreaking). 

We sometimes meet people whom we feel like we could connect with, on a level that goes beyond the normal realm of superficiality that most friendships tend to linger in these days. If we're lucky, the mesh is instantaneous and painless, if we're not.... well, I guess the process will be a little like building the Colosseum. Tedious, teeth gnawing and frustrating, but y'all will keep pushing for it because you know the ending is gonna be epic. Having said that, it doesn't make doing it any easier. 

Then I have this annoying guilt gnawing at my brain, telling me I really shouldn't be doing this. But the resemblance is so, so uncanny. It makes me so, so curious to explore. Or as Kris so kindly suggested, maybe I just might be a little touched in the head. 

I was wound so tightly yesterday evening and felt like I could do with a beer, or ten. Well, good company and Erdinger did me good. I went to bed loose limbed and pleasantly buzzed.

Mm, I'm pretty awesome at this rambling shit.
Swedish words today coming from the swedish story above

konstigt - strange
överraskade - surprised
teknik - technology

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