Thursday, January 13, 2011


So the first post of 2011 and I'm blogging this from the bus.
Where I have a seat.
A seat that is meant for one.
But a seat that I am currently sharing.
With a lady that is clearly so smitten by my good looks and charm that of alllll the other seats she could choose from, she chose to squeeze in and sit half on my lap.
Well, I guess the words, 'personal space' do not exist in her world.

Anyway, Happy 2011 y'all! (: 2010 has been a bit of bumpy ride but towards the later half, it has been very well and eventful. Hopefully this means the good flow will continue on into this year! 2 weeks in and things are looking positive (:

I've spoken to my parents about school and after looking at the options, I've decided to go with Leeds. It's more viable financially and their merit scholarships are a great incentive for me to push myself. They have a really good pro-bono program too which is awesome since that was where a huge part of my motivation to read law stemmed from.
The last hurdle now would be the Visa issue so I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for that. Goddd I'm really really really psychedd to start school!!! (: (:

So in other news, my heart's been going a little stir crazy for the past few weeks. I don't quite understand this obsession but according to Kris, the oh so wise man, it's an unhealthy addiction that needs to kick the bucket. Easier said than done of course.

She is, for lack of a better word, amazing. She is smart and funny (although opinions vary) and has the best laugh that makes you want to laugh too. I guess I came to the realisation that I really really really like her. LOL. However, the past few days have been a bit of a train wreck and it's been making me go completely insane. I've fumbled, stuttered and spazzed out in front of her, losing a million points in the process. But... We live and learn right? And I'm determined to conquer this one. Lol!

I'm also taking a short trip to Cambodia with manda next week. After working through Christmas Eve and NYE, I thought it's a well deserved respite ;) it's gonna be my last trip until I leave for England though. Gotta save up as much as possible. I was telling maine that as long as I lay low for the next 5 months, I'd be on the right track :D
I gave a timeline of 5 months because well...... My partner-in-crime is coming back again this summer!!!!!! We wanted to do Shanghai/Taiwan together but with law school also comes some financial sacrifices so we'll prolly only do a short trip around Thailand/Malaysia in July (: Super psychedd (:

Lastly, was over at Monica's last night and Ulrika was in town (: she gives the most awesome hugs and we all know how I'm a big ass sucker for stora kramarrr! Anyway, I'm so proud of Freja Designs! Things are really starting to take off now and I'm so excited for them with the new stores and coming up with the various new displays. (: It's a bit of a mad house now but I have no doubts that she's gonna do great this year.

To end it off, swedish word of the day from Ulrika, ''Fy fan!'' ;)
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"With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are
- Thomas Buxton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miss you Jasmine!!

Love reading your blog :-)

I'm saving for an Asia trip around September this year :-)
I'll send an email soon :-)
Ben from Aus
P.S There's a giant duck behind you!!