PMQs on the 16th June was quite a laugh. I've quite liked the debate between Cameron and Harman thus far but in this particular PMQ, the exchange was merely a diatribe of rhetoric crap. Exchanging verbal blows and pushing blame without really answering the issue of whether the govt will try to ensure that the upcoming budget cuts will not exacerbate the unemployment levels in the UK. I get that the Labour party messed up and left a gaping mess for the new coalition govt to salvage, but the cuts that are about to be put in place (and many that have already been implemented) seem so very harsh, especially on the lower income sector.
In particular, the scrapping of the CTFs was quite a puzzling move I thought. It was one of Labour's better policies that gave back to the people and one that would help ensure young adults stepping out at the age of 18 would be fairly financially sound. But I do agree that it is a policy that helps all children across the board regardless of your financial status (even some that really do not need the extra couple of hundred every year since their parents are making a few hundred thousand annually) and cutting it would certainly help reduce government spending. But it fails to see how much it has helped families whose parents don't earn that much; forcing them to save as well and prevents them from withdrawing what would eventually help their kid set up home/settle into their first job. If CTF had to be scrapped, it would appear more sensible if the govt could come up with another policy similar to the CTF but one that doesn't go across the board and focuses mainly on the sector of parents who are earning far less annually.
So much going on with the education sector as well. The raises and cuts are being applied to the wrong things!! (fees and places respectively.) Haha. But I am aware that the number of universities in the UK has increased tremendously and the quality of graduates aren't as great anymore since anyone and everyone could get in. It does make one wonder though, all these 20,000 students who intended to go to Uni but can't anymore, what exactly are they gonna do then? Sighs, tbh, I don't even wanna touch on/think about the possibility of my admission with a ten foot pole right now. Denial's my new best friend. Haha. But I really really hope my chances of getting a place in the UK wouldn't be diminished to zilch entirely.
Today's swedish sentence....
Han flirta med hon i baren.
Which means, he was flirting with her at the bar. :)
And... my birthday's coming!!! :D Hehe.
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